
Confession Times

FRIDAY: After the morning mass and Chaplet of Divine Mercy
 3:00-3:30 PM
Appointments can also be made for Confession. Please contact the Parish Office.


"Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained.” John 20:23

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is one of two sacraments of healing. It is the sacrament that brings spiritual healing for Catholics who have distanced themselves from God by committing sins. There are four elements involved:

  • The penitent’s contrition for sin
  • Confession to a priest
  • Absolution by the priest
  • Satisfaction


Receiving This Sacrament

The Catholic church requires us to confess our sins at least once a year. However, we are strongly encouraged to receive this Sacrament regularly and as frequently as possible. Father Jeff is available weekly in the confessional (located to the left of the altar) at the times given below (see Confession Times below), or by appointment.

Prior to receiving this sacrament, it is important that the penitent make a full examination of conscience and approach the confessional with a contrite heart. Below, you'll find some links that explain this sacrament more deeply and aid in making a full examination of conscience. (See Resources for Making a Good Confession).

Young children typically make their first reconciliation in second grade as they prepare to receive their first communion.


Resources for Making a Good Confession

Confession is difficult for many of us. Some of us have trouble understanding why we need to confess our sins to a priest, or we draw a blank when it comes to remembering what we need to confess. Below are some links to help you better understand the Sacrament, and guide you toward making a good confession.

The Fatima Network: An Examination of Conscience for Adults

National Catholic Register: Confession Guide for Adults